My goodness how quickly things can change! I am feeling 100% better! I was able to see my nurse and get some help with my illness. I took Mucinex and cough syrup and I can say I feel like a new woman. Ed & I got out last night and took a small walk. That felt good. I didn't go far, but it was far enough. Today I am going to try & catch up on laundry. I hate doing it, but it is so far behind, I cannot think beyond that!
Happy Birthday to my friend Linda and to John Denver. I miss his music so very much. When I need a lift or when I need inspiration, he always touches me.
So another year comes to a close. I plan on making 2010 my year for greatness. I intend to work on my health issues, and organizing my life a bit. I have too much stuff and need to off load a lot of baggage. I want to serve others more in some way and help where I can.
This year it will not be about my weight. That is under control. Eat to live not live to eat. Time to stop using food as some sort of social mortar.
I hope everyone has a great year and achieves everything they desire.
Be well & Be Blessed!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Worst Day yet!
On the brink of exhaustion, and no longer strong enough to be tired, I finally saw the nurse today who has started me back on the road to feeling fabulous. I have coughed so much I am weak. No sleep and this new low calorie intake altogether, have just left me weak. So weak is my word of the day. I drove myself to the doc's office and barely made it inside and back to my car. I stopped at the grocery store and picked up cough medicine and that was like hiking a mountain. Then the snow started before I got home. I came straight in and took meds and went to bed. I feel better now, but I did not think I would make this day sane.
The coughing has eased up and the nurse says my lungs are moving air really well with minimal wheeze. No fever, good BP and overall good vitals, so what the heck is the matter??? I bet sinus.
I upped my protein today and will try to let that give me more energy as I get through this stage. Now off to sit in the bed, knit & watch TV...I got in my exercise for the day!!!!!
Be blessed and be well!!!! is snowing in Fort Worth AGAIN!!!!!
The coughing has eased up and the nurse says my lungs are moving air really well with minimal wheeze. No fever, good BP and overall good vitals, so what the heck is the matter??? I bet sinus.
I upped my protein today and will try to let that give me more energy as I get through this stage. Now off to sit in the bed, knit & watch TV...I got in my exercise for the day!!!!!
Be blessed and be well!!!! is snowing in Fort Worth AGAIN!!!!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
A New Year Starts for me!
My New Year started on Dec 23, 2009. Forever a date of my rebirth and joy. I had Gastric Bypass Surgery and am doing FABULOUS!!!!!! I can barely get in 300 calories a day and feel no hunger, no pain and no deprivation. One thing that is making my life miserable is COUGHING! UGH UGH UGH!!!!! It hurts and I can get no relief. Cough syrups have alcohol in them and I can no longer have any alcohol of any kind. *sigh* I have some good medicinal stuff here too!!! I feel like I eat all day long. At times it is a chore to eat and I hate that, but the rewards will be great. I lost 28 pounds before surgery & my beginning weight will always in my mind include that 28 pounds. I have no intention of stating my beginning weight anywhere but I will try to post progress.
Now on to the photos here. I caught Gizmo in the dryer while I was doing laundry. What a character! Of course he made a quick exit. He is crazy but we love them somehow! Enjoy!
PS...I need to get back to crafting because my mind is bored. I have so many projects I don't know what to do O:P
Be Blessed & Be Well
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I turned 50!!!
OK our vacation was great!!! I was able to spend time with my parents and other wonderful family members and catch up with those I seldom see. The trip itself was a fabulous chance to catch up with my daughter and just chat, laugh and cry. Girl stuff. Great times! On the way home (and this can only happen to the Hite women) I was stopped for speeding. I was blessed that I only received a sealt belt citation and it wont hurt my record. Not but about 2 or 3 hours later, Brandy was stopped too....speeding. She got a warning. This is what living a good clean life does for you!!! I recommend it to everyone!
OK so I had my birthday on Nov 17th and I turned 50. I will be getting a tattoo very soon. that is my gift from Brandy. I hope I like it when Being 50 is no different than 49...good for me!!
Today's pictures are of my daughter at Pretty Place, SC. enjoy!!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Home from my trip to SC
We are home safe and sound. As soon as I can organize my thoughts and do some laundry, I will be back to tell all. Boy what an adventure!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
This is why I cannot type.......
Sunday, October 25, 2009
OK here is my famous monster. I hope everyone likes him as much as I do. Click on the pictures to see it bigger. Some of them are fuzzy but I had a lot of wind and and unsteady hand!!! I just had to make socks & a scarf since he will be going back to Spokane with my Grandson Alex very soon.
Group project Scarf
This was our 3rd group project with my knitter friends. It is a head scarf made from cotton. We had fun learning this stitch and I am sure it will come in handy again. I love the colors and how it feels after I washed it and ironed it flat. Enjoy!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Blogger slug
I am not a daily blogger. I am so involved in so many things, I cannot get to blogging daily as well. I mean to, but fail miserably. Frankly I'd rather be crocheting or knitting or painting or sculpting etc. At this rate I will need to live forever to get it all done. I finished my monster for Alex. I need to get pictures up and when I get my new card reader installed, I will do that. He is so stinking cute. I am working on 3 purses, fingerless gloves for my SIL and gawd knows what! Work work work. Projects are piling up everywhere!
My latest chaos involves 2 very handsome boys. They decided to make this their home and we are caring for them until hopefully my sister adopts them and moves them to San Antonio. They are 2 orange tabby kittens we call Gizmo & Thing Two. Two as I like to call him is gentle and sweet and Gizmo is wound up tighter than a drum! I have the scratch marks to prove it! In these pictures, Gizmo is the one with the flea collar and in the picture of the 2 of them Two is on the bottom of the picture. Two is darker orange than Gizmo but they both have a blonde cast more so than orange right now. They spend a lot of time on my desk asleep and so my keyboard gets pushed aside. I just added pictures so the ones on the top of this blog are newer and Two is in the back with Gizmo in the front. If you get confused just ask me.
Halloween is around the corner & we have purchased the candy and the yard decorations are going in....I hope before the neighborhood judging. The rain has stopped and things look like they are drying out. I am glad because I am tired of the mud!!! It is in my house everywhere and I cannot take another day!!! I need to clean my kitchen and get something made for supper maybe egg & cheese sandwiches. Sounds good to me.
Be well & be blessed!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Long Time No Blog
Yes it has been a while since I last posted anything at all. I have been busy and nursing my bad knees. I have now received Orthovisc injections and am doing better but the PT is the best part. I am in a heated pool exercising and boy that feel great!!! The jury is still out on how well these injections are working. I seem to have had a better time with the Synvisc, but we shall see!
I am currently crocheting a purse and found a huge bag of pearls to sew on it...can't wait to show it off!!! I am knitting a monster and a pair of socks. Not all at once, but you know...when I can I do!!! LOL
The pictures I am trying to upload are of my spider lilies. They are finally established and blooming!!! Made me so happy!!! Please enjoy them as much as I do!!
Be well & be blessed!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Soap Nation Photos
These are the better photos from Soap Nation. I took the ones of the boys *wink*. Ed took several of the women and seemed to cut off their heads and get just their wonder how that happened???? LOL I may show those to you some day!
Be blessed & Be Well
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Just walked in from Soap Nation and had a blast!!! I met and got three soap star autographs from All My Children. I was able to see and spoke to Kassie Depaiva from One Life to Live but failed at getting her autograph because I could not hold out long enough to stand in that line again.
I will have some pictures when I finish editing them and cannot wait to show the hunkie men from General Hospital. Thank you ABC, Soap Net and soap stars for a delicious day for all DFW soap fans and for those who traveled from other states to see their favorite stars. A huge thank you to Billy Bob's Texas for hosting the greatest get together ever. My only suggestion is that it is not handicapped friendly and you guys need to work on that!!!!!! Otherwise, it was a blast!!!!!
Soap Nation opens for a concert of Sara Evans tonight at Billy Bob's and we are still trying to decide if we are going back tonight or not. I am whipped. They played almost every Sara song today and I felt like we were at her concert already.
Winding down is a lot of work too. I need my meds and a nap!!! Oh....and to get out of this bra!!! LOL
Be Blessed & Be Well.
I will have some pictures when I finish editing them and cannot wait to show the hunkie men from General Hospital. Thank you ABC, Soap Net and soap stars for a delicious day for all DFW soap fans and for those who traveled from other states to see their favorite stars. A huge thank you to Billy Bob's Texas for hosting the greatest get together ever. My only suggestion is that it is not handicapped friendly and you guys need to work on that!!!!!! Otherwise, it was a blast!!!!!
Soap Nation opens for a concert of Sara Evans tonight at Billy Bob's and we are still trying to decide if we are going back tonight or not. I am whipped. They played almost every Sara song today and I felt like we were at her concert already.
Winding down is a lot of work too. I need my meds and a nap!!! Oh....and to get out of this bra!!! LOL
Be Blessed & Be Well.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Lunar Flowers
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I cannot believe I am once again frogging. I get a project to the point where I think I am doing good & find a mistake! UGH!!!!! The bag I am knitting looks like a Rasta hat so I nick named it "Rasta Bag" I had to frog 10 rows! I was devastated! It is over now and I am about to start pattern again.
Update on Dan The Cat Man. He is living outside. I suppose that is where he wanted to be since he wont come in. He is eating, stopped pulling his hair out and is very thin, but happy. For now we leave him out and he runs off the other strays. He has stopped that annoying screaming he does too....what a relief!
What can I say about Deddy? Seems he is stable and improving. He was moved to a regular room and is out of ICU. Mother says he has his moments (I am sure he does!). I spoke to him on the phone and he seems lucid and happy and was funny and his old self. I hear it does not last long. I hope they can get him healthy again. I hate feeling helpless and isolated from him when he is so sick. He is a rough old codger but he is fighting it out!!! Go Mista Jim!
I am pleased at the number of High School Classmates on Facebook. There are some I know and many I dont remember. Sad huh? Maybe we will have a 35th in 2013 & I will go catch up. I did not know many back at the 20th, but I still showed up. Who knows??? I have not found many NC Classmates....wish they would sign up to Facebook too.
OK I have been at the computer long enough it is time for some yarn time and some girlie movies. I will have new pictures to post soon. I promise! My work is never done.
Be Well & Be Blessed!!!
Update on Dan The Cat Man. He is living outside. I suppose that is where he wanted to be since he wont come in. He is eating, stopped pulling his hair out and is very thin, but happy. For now we leave him out and he runs off the other strays. He has stopped that annoying screaming he does too....what a relief!
What can I say about Deddy? Seems he is stable and improving. He was moved to a regular room and is out of ICU. Mother says he has his moments (I am sure he does!). I spoke to him on the phone and he seems lucid and happy and was funny and his old self. I hear it does not last long. I hope they can get him healthy again. I hate feeling helpless and isolated from him when he is so sick. He is a rough old codger but he is fighting it out!!! Go Mista Jim!
I am pleased at the number of High School Classmates on Facebook. There are some I know and many I dont remember. Sad huh? Maybe we will have a 35th in 2013 & I will go catch up. I did not know many back at the 20th, but I still showed up. Who knows??? I have not found many NC Classmates....wish they would sign up to Facebook too.
OK I have been at the computer long enough it is time for some yarn time and some girlie movies. I will have new pictures to post soon. I promise! My work is never done.
Be Well & Be Blessed!!!
Friday, July 3, 2009
One glove down one to go!

Ok so I was supposed to snap a picture of the finished glove and post it here 2 days ago. I took out my camera to take said picture and the battery was dead. I have yet to find the charger and so I snapped a picture with my phone. This is a gift so I wont spoil it for the recipient, but it is my first successful cable knit project! The pattern was shared by a friend so I cannot post it here, but will ask if I can link to it just in case someone wants to try it. I had this made to the thumb gussett once and had to frog it back to the cast on knot because I had it all wrong. Man that stinks!!!!
I hope you enjoy this one! Let me know!
My deepest sympathies go out to my friend Elanor at the loss of her dear husband on Friday. I know her heart ache and I know the journey ahead will be a tough one. I have been here & I know.
Be well & be blessed!!!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Free Crochet Wishcloth
Loves me Knot ©2009 Angelictoo
This wish cloth is designed to have raised “knots” for excellent exfoliation.
Click on pictures for larger view!
Hooks: one size J and one size K
Yarn: any 100% cotton will work great! If you want a “scrubbie” you can carry along strips of tulle with yarn. This makes an excellent “loofa” type scrubber.
fl = front loop
st = stitch
yo = Yarn over
There is no set number of stitches so it can be made any size. (I will demo with 30) Sample is worked with less
With K Hook, chain 30.
Change to J hook from here on out
Special stitches:
begHLK: insert hook under both loops of first sc yo draw up loop. Insert hook into fl only of next st and draw up loop, yo draw yarn through all 3 loops on hook.
HLK (Hite Love Knot) in last stitched worked, insert hook under both loops. Yo draw yarn through st. Insert yarn into fl only of next stitch, yo draw up loop yo draw yarn through all 3 loops on hook. 1st stitch made. 2nd stitch, insert hook into last st worked (under both loops) yo draw up loop. In next st, insert hook into fl only yo & draw up loop now yo and draw yarn through all 3 loops on hook. Each stitch will be worked twice.
Row 1: only this row is worked off pattern. sc in second loop from hoop. Sc in each st across. (29 sc)
Row 2: begHLK in first sc of row. HLK to the last sc. Sc in last sc of row. Ch 1 and turn.
Continue Row 2 until cloth is as tall as you like. This can make a great back scrubber too if you make it long enough. Weave in all loose ends. Enjoy!
If anyone finds a mistake in the pattern, please let me know & I will fix it asap!
Be Well, & Be Blessed.

This wish cloth is designed to have raised “knots” for excellent exfoliation.
Click on pictures for larger view!
Hooks: one size J and one size K
Yarn: any 100% cotton will work great! If you want a “scrubbie” you can carry along strips of tulle with yarn. This makes an excellent “loofa” type scrubber.
fl = front loop
st = stitch
yo = Yarn over
There is no set number of stitches so it can be made any size. (I will demo with 30) Sample is worked with less
With K Hook, chain 30.
Change to J hook from here on out
Special stitches:
begHLK: insert hook under both loops of first sc yo draw up loop. Insert hook into fl only of next st and draw up loop, yo draw yarn through all 3 loops on hook.
HLK (Hite Love Knot) in last stitched worked, insert hook under both loops. Yo draw yarn through st. Insert yarn into fl only of next stitch, yo draw up loop yo draw yarn through all 3 loops on hook. 1st stitch made. 2nd stitch, insert hook into last st worked (under both loops) yo draw up loop. In next st, insert hook into fl only yo & draw up loop now yo and draw yarn through all 3 loops on hook. Each stitch will be worked twice.
Row 1: only this row is worked off pattern. sc in second loop from hoop. Sc in each st across. (29 sc)
Row 2: begHLK in first sc of row. HLK to the last sc. Sc in last sc of row. Ch 1 and turn.
Continue Row 2 until cloth is as tall as you like. This can make a great back scrubber too if you make it long enough. Weave in all loose ends. Enjoy!
If anyone finds a mistake in the pattern, please let me know & I will fix it asap!
Be Well, & Be Blessed.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Felted Bag --- First Group Project

The first group project for Non-Bitchy Knitters did not go off as well as hoped. Only two friends were able to be there and only one person had their project finished besides me. the Felted Bag was a great test of new knitted stitches and felting processes. (Click on link for free pattern) I dressed min eup with glass beads, 2 silver buttons and Moonlight Mohair (that felted nicely). I also made it my own (part of the group project instructions) by crocheting a Romanian Cord handle. Remember you can click on the pictures for a larger view.
I have carried my wallet, cell phones, eyeglasses etc in my bag for a long time. I get a lot of compliments and people always comment on the colors and pattern the Lattice made. The colors were not highly contrasting, but I like the subtle hint of colors.
Enjoy! Be well & be blessed.
lattice design,
romanian cord,
slip stitch,
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Living room Paint choice
Ok so the living room has been painted and the colors look great to us. We feel cozy and happy in there. I have yet to hang artwork or pictures in there but that day is coming. Remember to click on the picture for a larger view. Of course, the computer will not give you the exact colors, but I hope you can figure it out. It is a warm gold with a spicey trim. Almost orange but deeper than that. Enjoy!!! We are!

The photo above was my inspiration piece and I have a pillow on the sofa that I used to get the colors as well. My tea pot is the spicey color & the artwork has both colors in it. I love that piece!

Monday, June 15, 2009
New flowers and a dog tale

Now to happier things. My flowers. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoy them in my garden. They will always bloom in pictures and bring me great joy in my garden.Don't forget that you can click on the thumbnails and see the bigger picture!
I am finishing up a present for a dishcloth/towel exchange. I hope to have pictures soon. I have one knitted cloth, a knitted & crocheted towel and a crocheted cloth. I am so excited. I am on the last one and it goes fast so maybe the next day or so I can post them. I am finishing up a hat and several bags to photograph to share. I have so many places I share pictures, that I forget to leave them in some places. I will try harder.
Ed's brother is here visiting and we have had some laughs. I took his Mother to see the angels while she was here & last night we took him. That is a great sight for anyone visiting Fort Worth. Of course I have a picture to post & will maybe tomorrow!
All of this post was typed while the cat was on my desk annoying me because he can. I hope something makes sense as I had to erase all that he typed. LOL! Dan says hi to everyone even though he spelled it "8yrhen739502[x."
Be well & be blessed every day!
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