Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I attended a Texas Rangers game recently. It was during Knit In Public Week. So what does someone who aspires to be a good knitter do? You got it!!! I took my knitting! I decided to use the Idiot's cloth pattern so it would be mindless. The Rangers lost but I had a great time sweating in extremely close quarters. Secret professional strength worked for me but no one else had it on. I digress. I finished the cloth and then to make it remind me of the ball game, I crocheted the line around the "bases". The colors are like a baseball, it looks like a field diamond and I loved it!!!
June has been a rough month for me. My pain has been worse than in many years past. I think it has something to do with barometric pressure, humidity and yo-yo temperatures. It doesn't help that certain doctors don't get on the ball refilling my scripts. Exercise hurts and not in a good way. It hurts to do it and the next day I am in bed almost every day. So glad I have things to occupy my time and mind. Otherwise I would go crazy. Thinking about creativity lets me not focus on how bad I feel. Invisible pain and disability is a heavy burden to carry. No one can see your pain. Someone asked me recently when my leg would be all healed. I said, "Never". and she said, "Oh no how bad did you break it?" I mentally rolled my eyes and said, "It's not broken, it is paralyzed." She still didn't get it. *sigh*
OK....anyone ever cleaned their glass casserole dishes with aluminum foil? Does it work? Pinterest a scary place to get ideas?
LOL OK back to my dishcloth of the week to be posted soon!!!!
Many Blessings to you all!!!

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