Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wrapping up Earth Week

I just walked in from seeing Disney's movie "Earth". I enjoyed my time seeing it in the theater, but was bummed at the content. It's stories about migrating families was almost exactly like "Planet Earth". Basically it was those same stories retold. I was also amazed at how many small children were there and I suppose were never warned about the reality of nature and how hungry will eat the weak. I heard several kids gasp and several parents tell them lies about how the baby antelope type animal got away and survived.
I was also very annoyed that a man and his child were behind us and talked constantly through the movie. Teaching your children to watch, listen and learn with no talking is a huge responsibility parents seem to neglect. Heck even a lot of them are talking and making noise. Don't take babies, young kids to this movie. Take an older child and prep them for reality. Then use it to discuss nature, our planet and the horrors at how we are failing it.
I know now why I rely so much on my delivered to my house movies. So much more joy. New Goal: Get my entertainment center set up and get it working to play surround sound and dvds. Man I wish I knew how!!!
All in all, this movie is as good as "Planet Earth" was, but I wanted to see new footage and new stories.
I give it *** of *****. Like anyone will care! Ha!
Be well and be Blessed!!!

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