Wednesday, February 10, 2016


It isn't easy to take pictures of the back of your head. Just FYI. These pictures are rolling out of bed and just running my fingers through my hair. Still no brush or comb at all!! I am on day 2 of the first shampoo and planning on "washing" it again tonight. You can see that some of the curling isn't as bouncy as day One but folks this is using NO PRODUCT at all!!! My hair doesn't look greasy but shiny and healthy in just one "wash". I am using quotes because I don't use any shampoo or soap. It all strips my hair and makes it frizzy and dry. Even taking out all of the bad stuff, sulfates and other chemicals, it still didn't look healthy. 
Stay tuned. Tomorrow I will post more updates. In the meantime, I need to post my quilts I have been working so hard on. 
Tata for now! TTFN 😝😝😝

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