Sunday, October 19, 2008

One Day with Zoe.

On our way to pick up dinner Thursday night, the sweetest dog was spotted running amuck in my neighborhood. She was sweet and friendly and when I opened my car door, she hopped inside and settled down for the ride. I tried to contact our Animal control, but they had all gone home and I left my number. This sweet pup was loving, trained and had no identification. We picked up dinner and off we went back home. She was introduced to our pets and got a very cold reception. My Lexy does not play well with others. After we ate (she loves french fries) we let her out of the kitchen holding room and she became the best lap dog ever. Ed & I loved having her here and she seemed to like us as well. She slept on the bed with us and was a perfect companion. Lexy still did not like her...she slept on the floor as usual.
The next day, no call came in from Animal Control so we put out fliers. Since one of them went right out in the owner's yard, we quickly received a call and were told her name was Zoe. We had spent all night trying out possible names and never got to the Z's. She was so excited to find out we knew her name. The owners came a few hours later and our sweet Zoe was gone. She had slept in Ed's lap all afternoon and they both enjoyed a long nap! We miss you Zoe. Visit anytime!

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