Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Taking a break

I am sitting here eating soup and freezing to death. It is 39 degrees with no wind chill and this house is so cold. The new house has a plus and that is central heat. I may spend the night over there tonight. This is ridiculous. The seagull in the picture was taken at the first of the year on the beach in Charleston. It was very cold that day too and he looks like nothing is wrong. I am using him as my inspiration for this week. I can stay warm and get my life back from this move. LOL
Things are going well and the move is getting there slowly but sure. Sunday is the big day and the truck will be here to haul my furniture away. I will be so happy! I knew I had a lot of crap, but I never knew it was this bad!
I finished my hat for my exchange partner last night. I will take a picture and send it out to the group as soon as I find the camera. I need to get it in the mail too. sheesh I have a lot to do!
Be well!!!

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