Thursday, April 10, 2008

Storm damage in daylight

Wow!! I slept through this nasty storm. Seems the storm hit around 330 to 430 am and slam dunked us in our sleep. Ed said the storm woke him up but I snoozed right on through it. That corner of the house is our bedroom. The light red circles are were branches were snapped like toothpicks. What a mess!!!
Tonight is Wine, Women & Wool night and I can't wait to see the ladies. My hand surgery went well and now the healing begins. The stitches are out but the wound is not completely closed. I have done this route before but with a larger wound. It takes time, but it heals nicely.
Time to run but I hope those of you cleaning up from this round of storms has minimal damage to deal with and thank God there were no deaths!
Be well & give peace a chance!

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