I cannot believe we have had our kitty boys for one year. I am a bit shocked that time has flown by so fast. Today's picture is Twoey and he has tripled in size from a year ago!Knitting: I am working on a scarf my sister started. A simple k3p3 pattern in alpaca. I also have a mitten on dp needles to practice for a charity.
Crochet: I am hoping to start a yellow yarn and ribbon purse very soon. Keeping my toes crossed.
What else??? Not much. I have a colonoscopy on Tuesday. FUN...NOT!! But hey I am 50 and need to get ur dun. Now off to exercise......O:)
139 lbs lost and keeping on keeping on!

Lexy and I went out today for Bark For Life (American Cancer Society). This picture of her shows she won the smallest dog in the walk contest. The Frisbee is almost as big as she is. The weenie dog was bigger because he was longer and they were the same height. She did not enjoy the walk and was sick for most of it. We only walked 3/4 of a mile but that was awesome since we never walked that far before. My neuropathy makes me slow but the old lady was just not happy to be amongst other dogs or to be walking. I dragged her most of the way. I was proud for our first time out. We were tired when we got home and I took a small nap but I think we deserved it. Lexy also won 1st runner up for "Name" they thought her name was Carkie (her breed) and I just didn't go through the explanation. lol
Survived to walk another day!!!!
Many Blessings!